It’s very important for you as an insured to know in advance what will happen in the event of a significant dispute with your insurance company. Whether you are in the claims process or filing a lawsuit, state law is going to apply to your claim either in...
The Federal Department of Labor has issued its new and final regulations regarding disability related claims. If your long-term disability claim is governed by the federal law ERISA, which is the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (Read my previous blog...
I’ve previously blogged about the standard of review issue when courts decide whether ERISA-governed long-term disability benefits have been correctly denied or terminated by an insurance company. When the insurance company has discretionary authority,...
{3:40 minutes to read} In my last blog, I spoke about what bad faith is generally. In this blog, I discuss a few preliminary considerations when you are wondering if your insurance company has treated you in bad faith and whether you can do something about it....
{4:40 minutes to read} What is ERISA? The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, or ERISA, is a federal law designed to protect an employee’s trust fund benefits. It is primarily directed at defined benefit plans, 401Ks, deferred compensation plans,...