When a laser surgeon being paid disability benefits for over 17 years became 65 years of age, he was informed by his disability insurer that his monthly benefit would be reduced by $10,000 per month based upon a provision in his policy. The policy provision related to the timing of when the disability commenced and whether it was a residual (partial) disability or a total disability. Our firm was hired to sort through a 17-year history and to represent the client in maximizing his disability insurance benefits.
 We obtained nearly 5,000 pages of materials regarding the history of the surgeon’s occupational and medical treatment. Our analysis and investigation enabled us to submit a detailed presentation to the disability insurer as to the commencement of a total disability that started 15 years earlier. The insurance company had been paying the claim as a partial / residual claim.
We marshaled the evidence and convinced the insurer that not only was the claim a total disability claim, but that it commenced 15 years earlier. Under the policy’s provisions, then, the client was entitled to an additional $10,000 per month for the rest of his life. The insurer agreed, based upon our presentation, to reverse its position and pay the additional $10,000 per month for the rest of the surgeon’s life.
Schwartz, Conroy & Hack is the premier disability insurance law firm in the United States. To see how we can help you, contact us.
Evan S. Schwartz
Founder of Schwartz, Conroy & Hack
[email protected]