In less than three months of litigation, we forced an insurance company to honor its insurance contract. We represented an emergency room physician who could no longer tolerate the high stress work environment due to a heart condition, which was not his only medical problem.
One of his legs had been amputated below the knee, and persistent infections and other complications caused great pain and prevented him from normal activity levels due to a prosthetic leg. His disability insurance company refused to pay, even though the policy promised to make monthly payments if he could not work as an emergency room physician.
We convinced the judge to force the insurance company to hire a doctor who immediately examined our client’s leg. The insurance company agreed to pay the claim and the lawsuit was dropped. The claim has been monthly for so many years that the recovery for the client now totals over $1 million.
For more information on how we can help you, contact us for an initial evaluation.
Schwartz, Conroy & Hack is the premier disability insurance law firm in the United States. To see how we can help you, contact us.
Evan S. Schwartz
Founder of Schwartz, Conroy & Hack
[email protected]